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SeTracker Showing Device Offline

SeTracker Showing Device Offline

It can be a source of frustration sometimes, when the SeTracker app showing device offline occurs. Lets us know, we fix it for you.

Why do SeTracker Show Device Offline?.

The SeTracker is the most compatible tracker with most smartwatches from SmartwachesNZ. It has a lifetime free to use license. However with everything free, also comes with a few niggling issues, which we normally can help in resolving once you receive your beautiful watch. One of the most common issues is when the SeTracker App showing Device Offline. This may be due to the following:

No Credit.

Yes as simple as that. When you forget to add credit (money) to a simcard prepay plan. It means the smartwathc has no access to data to communicate with the App on on your phone.

No Network Signal.

Thats right.Take the liberty to check if the smartwatch is showing network bars. A simple restart of the smartwatch will help to get the watch to resolve seemlessly with the network

No Internet APN

Recent smartwatch models normally come with no assigned Registration Code, so that they are compartible with any network, anywhere in the world. You will need to set the APN to get a code

How to set APN for Smartwatch?.

In order to set APN settings for the smart watch, it is important to know the network provider of the simcard you are using in the watch. Follow the steps to get you sorted, or simply send us a message. We can help.

Please send the following command text to the simcard number inserted in the watch or tracker

Network ProviderCommand TextReply Text
Skinnypw,123456,apn,internet,,,53006#apn,internet,,,53006#setting ok!
Vodafone NZpw,123456,apn,internet,,,53001#apn,internet,,,53001#setting ok!
Spark NZpw,123456,apn,internet,,,53005#apn,internet,,,53005#setting ok!
2 Degrees NZpw,123456,apn,internet,,,53024#apn,internet,,,53024#setting ok!

Confirm that the changes have occured by sending again the status check text: pw,123456,ts#

Once APN setup is completed, please restart the watch so that you can now register with tracker using the code generated after setting APN

Command Text Reply Showing Why Device Offline:

No Registration ID :000000

Wrong IP Registration Server:

Command Text Reply

Showing apn set

Showing registration code

Please restart the watch.

How to change IP Server for Smartwatch?.

In order to change IP Server settings for the smart watch, it is important to know the region where you want the watch to work from. Smartwatches communicate through servers around the world. The closer the server you select on registration, then no device offline issues

4 thoughts on “SeTracker Showing Device Offline”

    1. Confirm if watch is connected to the simcard network by calling the watch. Once the phone rings, the watch should at least be able to communicate to a phone.Sometimes small issue could be simcard not sitting correctly in the watch.Take it out and put back, and confirm you have good 4G network.Then you can proceed to get the watch to connect to internet

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